Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Maafkan Aku Mencintai Kekasihmu

Teman ada yang ingin kusampaikanNamun ini tak pantas tuk kau dengarKu ada di tempat yang salahKarna dibutakanCinta…
Yang kau lihat tak sepertiYang kau lihatSemua telah terjadi di luar kendalikuJika bisa kuarahkan sajaCinta ini ke lainCinta..
Reff:Maafkan Aku mencintai kekasihmukekasihmu…Namun ku tak ingin menjadiPenyebab kehancuranAntara kau dan dia dan aku
*Teman takkan kupaksa kau maafkanDiriku yang terlanjur bersalahHanyalah maaf tulus darikuTakkan pernah kubuatLagi…
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Dan aku…. dan aku… dan aku..

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Laskar Pelangi

TITLE                                     : Laskar Pelangi
AUTHOR                                : Andrea Hirata
FIRST COPY RIGHT DATE : Production on juli 2007
-The second  edition
TYPE OF BOOK                    : FIKSI
ISBN                                       : 979 – 3062 – 7- 7
AUTHOR’S PURPOSE                            
The writer want telling about life in Bangka Belitung that very tornful. We know In Bangka Belitung rich in tin mining, but its populace poor in their daily life. And writer want eksplain that education not only for rich family, but poor family can do it.
Bab I sepuluh murid baru halaman 1 – 13
Bab II ANTEDILUVIUM halaman 14-17
Bab III inisiasi halaman 18- 24
Bab IV perempuan – perempuan perkasa halamn 25 – 27
Bab V the tower of babel 28- 31
Bab VI gedong halamn 32 – 36
Bab VII zoom out halaman 37 – 41
Bab VIII center of excellence halaman 42- 44
Bab IX penyakit gila no 5 halaman 45- 59
Bab x Bodenga halaman 60- 70
Bab XI langit ke tujuh halaman 71- 85
Bab XII mahar halaman 86- 93
Bab XIII jam tangan plastik murahan halaman 94 – 104
Bab XIV orong – orong sawah halaman 105- 110
XV euvoria musim hujan halamn 111- 116
XVI puisi surga dan kawan burung pelitang pulau halamn 117 – 125
XVII ada cinta di toko klontong bobrok itu 126-141
XVIII Moran halaman 142 – 152
XIX sebuah kejahatan terancam halaman 153-164
XX miang sui halaman 165- 180
XXI rindu halaman 181-186
XXII early morning blue halaman 187-193
XXIII billitonite halaman 194-198
XXIV Tukan bayan tula halaman 199-218
XXV rencana b halaman 219-229

INFORMATION                    :
 We can know the meaning of the struggle of living in poverty are twisted ideals high, and then we can know about moral, first love, the hardness of life, even the meaning of a destiny that we can not guess. And then we can imitate the characters that can be imitated as honesty, sincere, patient, piety and taqwa etc.
THEME                                                     :
Friendship And Adventure of ten children from Bangka Belitung that is Ikal, Mahar, Lintang, Syahdan, Akiong,Trapani, Borek , Kucai, Sahara and flo.
METHOD                                                  : Naration
Review                                                        :
Laskar pelangi a novel which adoption from story about ten resident of a country from Bangka Belitung. This novel is story about memorial time of children. This adventure beginning when they become student in elementary school Muhammadiyah. This elementary school is only one school in their village.
Their school is very poor than school PN TIMAH in Bangka Belitung. PN TIMAH is school special to children from rich family. And school Muhammadiyah just ten student , but in school PN TIMAH have many children there.
And when  this elementary school want close if a new student does no reach ten people. But this children  that has saved the future this school.
“ We like the rainbow. For us rainbow is a natural painting, and the art from GOD given for us, Its amazing. We don’t know which one of us first started this hobby, but when the rain season we always wait the rainbow. Because we always wait for saw rainbow and then mrs. muslimah given name of our group is the Laskar Pelangi.”
This is the story of the fiery spirit of the village children to change their fate. Most parents would rather see their children help their parents on the farm, or worked to hard lobor in the PN Timah, rather than schools that did not clear his future.
But not to group Laskar Pelangi for them school is important to pick up their dream. Children from laskar Pelangi has a unique individual. Among ten children that Laskar Pelangi , Lintang and Mahar are two children between them  the most prominent.Lintang is smart boy in the sciences, while Mahar experts in the field of arts and culture. They like to represent the right brain and left brain people.
Lintang has a spirit of learning. He was willing to travel by bicycle as far 80 miles from his home for get some knowledge. Because of his spirits up will smell of burning rubber from his shoes, since been eroded by a pedal bike. If any gets in the way on the road late to school, there is no problem for him, he can sin a song “ PADA MU NEGERI “ at the end of the lesson its made him happy.

And then there  is the figure of a child Mahar  imaginative, creative though often gets ribbing from friends, but managed to raise their status in the school festival august 17.
 Next ,There is the figure of a child flo. Although she like dress up like boy. She from rich family and she was school in PN TIMAH. But she decided to school in elementary school Muhammadiyah because she interesting with Laskar Pelangi groups.
Furthermore, Ikal is a dreamer boy, he have high dream and he never hopeless at something, he always spirit do anything. for him, life started from dream.
Sahara is cute girls in group Laskar Pelangi. She is smart girls but she never can defeat Lintang. But sahara is the fussy girl, although sahara is fussy she is friendly,good girl and a loyal person.
Kucai have nearsighted since he childhood due to severe malnutrition, but he never dawn and he always spirit and optimistic.
Syahdan is diligent boy. Due With the heavy demands of his family economy still he went through and there is no sense of doubt didirinya to help reduce the burden on parents. Such a young age he already has a side job as a handyman putty boat to help his parent.
Trapani is Spoiled, The nature of Trapani, which spoiled seen since the first time he entered school. He constantly looked at her and she can not be left alone by his mother single moment.The nature of this place until she was an adult and called him crazy or mother complex.
A Kiong is good boy he always help his friend if his friend have problem and a kiong also never pick and choose friends.
borek have body like samson betawai and his friends always call him with name of Samson.
Harun have The mental disorder that he is already much older than his friend. he is still like a little child. With the story every day about the cat who had children and when is a holiday  this question he always asked.

This novel full with broad insight like the ocean like the author is well aware of the sciences, art and culture,humanities. We will be smile from little humor, touched and even cried when we read the story of Laskar Pelangi.
Filicium is a tree that witnessed the whole drama of life Laskar Pelangi. The tree was almost overshadowed their school collapsed. The tree had become the place of each of their meetings : discuss the problems in schools, to design work for the festival August 17, or Lintang to give lectures on physics. And this tree is place when Ikal fell in love.
Laskar Pelangi children were living in the happiness of childhood dreams save each one for tomorrow. But who could resist of fate? Twelve years later, Ikal saw the changing fortunes of his friends are really beyond expectations. The fate was a mystery of the might dark.
Laskar Pelangi children may have aspiration to the skies, but the fate will determines the next episode of their lives. The fate of the lack of concern could be the seeds of government will lead the pearl of the nation who have slammed the economic crush. They are the hope of the nation’s children are forced to abide by grinding the fate that should be pursued by government have the mandate and power to advance education.
Example, Lintang is a smart boy, but must be dropped  now because he must become the driver because he should be the backbone of his family, became a substitute father. But Lintang have the answer, “ do no be sad my friends, at least I have fulfilled my father’s expectations so as not to be fishermen…..”for Ikal, the more words it broke her heart, he was angry, disappointed at the fact so many smart kids who have to quit school because economic. He cursed the fools who boats a smart ass, and the children of the rich who wasted educational opportunities.
The strength of this novel lies in the humanities about the importance of school education as well as strong moral and religious. The novel is required reading for young people who fall asleep with ease immersed in the economy and longer knew toil to reach the future.

The novel is also required reading for educators, for the government who always neglects the importance of education. And now we become a national that is often the subject of ridicule by other nations, because we are diligent man who did not have to print  quality.

Arah Baru Gerakan Mahasiswa dalam Menyongsong Masa Depan Indonesia

            Sejatinya manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan kosong ( belum memiliki kemampuan untuk menopang kehidupan kita sendiri ). Setelah menempuh jenjang pendidikan formal mulai dari TK, SD,SMP, SMA, dan setelah lulus akhirnya sampailah kita pada jenjang pendidikan tertinggi yaitu menjadi seorang mahasiswa. Pada saat menjadi mahasiswa, kita dituntut untuk memainkan peran penting dalam masyarakat. Karakter mahasiswapun dilihat masyarakat sebagai hal yang baik dan terpuji, selama menjadi mahasiswa sejati. Sebagai contoh, seorang mahasiswa dididik untuk memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, tanggung jawab, akademis, dan berakhlak terpuji, baik melalui organisasi maupun kegiatan kampus lainnya. Mahasiwapun dituntut aktif dalam kegiatan kebangsaan.
Namun seperti yang telah kita ketahui, bahkan bukan merupakan hal yang baru bagi kita bahwasanya Negara kita Indonesia tercinta merupakan negara yang memiliki  berbagai macam problematika kehidupan baik yang meliputi masalah politik, ekonomi, hingga sosial yang ada di masyarakat. Sebagai contoh banyak para pejabat kita yang melakukan korupsi milyaran hingga triliyunan, dan tidak sedikit pula dari pejabat kita yang melakukan wewenang dan amanat  seenaknya, bahkan tidak memperdulikan rakyat yang telah menjadikan mereka sebagai pejabat dan petinggi negara.
 Hal itu tentunya membuat kita para mahasiswa menjadi gregetan, ditambah dengan sikap para pejabat dan petinggi Negara yang tidak dapat mengambil sikap bijak untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah. Mungkin kita sering melontarkan pertanyaan mengapa, kenapa, bagaimana  dari semua problem itu. Bahkan mungkin sebagian orang menilai hal itu merupakan ulah para petinggi negara.
Tentunya, kita sebagai mahasiswa yang merupakan generasi penerus bangsa yang perduli dengan problematika yang sedang melanda Indonesia, sangat berharap agar semua masalah itu dapat terselesaikan dan teratasi. Tugas utama kita para mahasiswa agar dapat mengembalikan Indonesia menjadi bumi pertiwi yang dibanggakan oleh semua orang di belahan dunia adalah mampu menciptakan gerakan baru untuk menyongsong kehidupan Indonesia di masa mendatang dengan ilmu yang telah di peroleh, agar tetap makmur dan sejahtera tanpa korupsi dan penindasan. HIDUP MAHASISWA INDONESIA.